About Our School

Civitas Classical Academy is a classical Christian school startup located in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

“Christian Classical Education is more than merely modern education, because the paidea of the Lord is not secular education with a Christian overlay.”

The Liberal Arts Tradition

Our vision is to establish a K-12 Classical Christian School in Kalamazoo County that produces graduates equipped to build a strong Christian culture.

Our Commitments

To Our Students:

We aim to graduate young men and women who think clearly and listen carefully, using discernment and understanding to evaluate human knowledge and experience.

To Our Parents:

We aim to graduate young men and women who think clearly and listen carefully, using discernment and understanding to evaluate human knowledge and experience.

To Our Staff:

We likewise aim to cultivate these things in our staff and to see them well paid so that they can make a career at Civitas Classical Academy.

To Our Community:

In our relationship with our community, we aim to be above reproach in our business dealings and supportive of the local business community. We further seek to exemplify the unity of the body of Christ, to develop greater fellowship and understanding with faithful churches, and to bring honor to our Lord in all our endeavors.

Our Beliefs

We hold to the following historic creeds and confessions:
  • Apostles’ Creed
  • Nicene Creed
  • Definition of Chalcedon
  • Westminster Confession Chapters 1 and 2